Frequently Asked

What can I expect on my first visit?

We recommend that you come in two days prior to your appointment to get your labs drawn. All labs are required to be drawn in our office. This way you can review the results together in detail with your doctor.

What to expect at your physical exam appointment?

Your visit will begin with a consultation with Dr. Sitzmann. We will address all of your questions and review your entire medical history. We will discuss the labs results together. Then move to the exam room where you will change into a gown for your physical exam. Any other testing that is indicated like EKG or pulmonary function testing will be done along with any vaccinations.

How long are my appointments?

The physical exam appointments will take one hour. All other acute and follow up appointments are 30 minutes.

How do phone consultations work?

Not every medical question requires a physical exam. The phone consultations are in lieu of an appointment. This is not a rushed phone call between seeing other patients. You will speak with the receptionist to schedule a time that Dr. Sitzmann will call you to discuss your concerns.

What is the difference between MD (Doctor of Medicine) and DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)?

Both groups attend medical school and require the same licensing to practice medicine. The difference lies in the training and philosophy of care. The core value of osteopathy is that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. The body is an integrated unit of mind, body and spirit.

What is osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT)?

When your body is not optimally aligned, it may reflect an imbalance caused by illness or injury. By physically adjusting your body, we may be able to eliminate underlying problems and alleviate discomfort.

OMT uses hands-on techniques to move muscles and joints. The techniques vary from high velocity, stretching, isometric resistance and light pressure.

What is the difference between OMT and chiropractic techiniques?

There are similarities between OMT and chiropractic techniques. The vast majority of OMT does not involve the high velocity thrust techniques that elicit a cracking sound. Some treatments use isometric contractions of specific muscle groups, others are indirect, while others use breathing techniques to release tender points.